
Ted Cruz Comes Back After The Porn Star Gaffe With An Office Space Parody About Hilary Clinton AND TOTALLY REDEEMS HIMSELF


What a bounce back form Teddy Cruz. KFC blogged about Ted Cruz pulling a political ad after his camp realized the chick in it was a porn star. Pretty hard to come back from that when you’re a religious weirdo like Cruz. Not a great look to have a person who takes dick for living in one of your ads as you’re running for president.  So what did Teddy Cruz do?  Did he run and hide? Did he creepily stare into a camera and explain himself? NOPE. He simply dropped a badass Office Space parody right on Hilary Clinton’s head and everybody instantly forgot about the porn star thing.  I know in these parts we work with sarcasm but I want everybody to know that I am 100% genuine when I say that is an A+ commercial. That’s such a good idea that it could pass for an SNL sketch idea. HRC + shady e-mails + Office Space = gold. Great work.


PS- Sometimes I like to wonder what presidential candidates are like away from the cameras. What they’re like in ordinary everyday situations.  Most of the time I can do it. I can imagine Bernie Sanders at an ice cream shop. I can imagine Donald Trump taking a dump while reading a newspaper. I can imagine Ben Carson watching Saturday morning cartoons.  I can imagine Marco Rubio eating a Twix bar. The only person I can’t do that with is Ted Cruz. There’s just something about him that makes him not seem like an actual person. The one time we saw Cruz in a semi-normal situation was when he tried to hug his daughter and that went less than well.