
Playboy's First Non-Nude Issue Having A Snapchat-Themed Cover Makes No Damn Sense


The Verge- Last October, Playboy announced that after 62 years in print it was getting rid of its nudes in an effort to appeal to younger readers. Now, the magazine has unveiled the cover of its first ever “non-nude” issue, and, somewhat inevitably, it’s Snapchat themed — featuring the app’s familiar translucent text overlay, and with the model’s hand reaching out of frame as if to take the photo. And why Snapchat? Marketers will tell you that no major platform’s audience skews younger — with an estimated 45 percent of the app’s users aged 18 to 24.

The magazine’s cover star in this “ode to Snapchat” is also internet-appropriate: Sarah McDaniel is a model with heterochromia iridum (her eyes are different colors), who seems to have risen to fame in October last year after her Instagram snaps were picked up by websites like The Chive and BroBible. This influence of selfies seems designed to make readers feel as if the images are meant for them — as Playboy’s chief content officer Cory Jones pointed out last year, although internet pornography has made nudity “passé,” there’s still an audience for more “intimate” snaps .


Hey Heff, you old bastard.  Do you realize that Snapchat’s entire existence was built on a foundation of tits and ass, AKA the two things you are moving on from like a dope?  This is the problem when your founder is 100 years old and always fucking 10s in a mansion.  Heff has completely lost touch with reality.  If you want to remain on top in the smut game, you have to have your ear to the streets.  And those streets say sex sells.  Actually the streets have said that since basically the dawn of time.  If times were tough for the Flintstones, you know Wilma was heading to the corner to flip that fire crotch.  Throwing girls that have eyes like Max Scherzer from The Chive isn’t going to get your numbers out of the red in 2016, Heffy Poo.  If I want to see hot chicks in bikinis, I will look at the Barstool Smokeshows.  If I’m spending $7 or whatever Playboy costs these days, I need to see nipple at the very least (jk, who pays for porn these days?).


Also, I’m not sure if Playgirl is still publishing dick pics, but I know a guy who had some Snaps go viral in the Barstool world.
