
So This Is What A Craigslist Ad Looking For Porn "Actresses" Looks Like




You know when you’re dating a chick that doesn’t condone the amount of drinking you do. And whenever you get blacked out with your friends you try to convince her that you’re not that drunk. You repeat it over and over. Fake like you can do a field sobriety test. Basically try and prove to her and yourself that you’re totally in control. Well that’s how I felt reading this ad. Like sorry to break it to you guys, but no matter how many times you say you’re not creeps, putting out a craigslist ad looking for pictures of hot chicks for your “porno” makes you a creep. Not saying that’s necessarily a bad thing, it just is what it is. Own your creepiness and aspiring fake porn empire that is really just an excuse to see some chicks naked, it makes the whole thing a lot easier.


The best part of this ad is you know there were at least a dozen girls who bought into this. Fish in a barrel.



thanks to Luke for the tip