
The Panthers Fan Looking To Exchange Free Tickets For Pictures Of Female Feet Is Back And Ready For Some NFCCG Toes!

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You know how people always say “the internet has ruined our society” and they go on and on about millenials and how no one can have a real conversation or relationship any more. Well here is the opposite side of that coin. Think about this guy, think about what he had to do before the internet came around. Sitting at home, wanting to look at pictures of feet, constantly thinking about jerking off on to a nice pair of painted toes, or maybe licking a heel, and what does he have to go off? Nothing. Absolutely nothing. Now flash forward to 2016 and not only does he have Craigslist but he has a great football team having a fantastic season and a perfect opportunity to get those feet he so desperately wants to fuck. 20 years ago this guy is the creep at the beach staring at the family trying to enjoy a nice summer day, now? He has the means to get those naked feet pictures and masturbate in the comfort of his own home. He’s not bothering anyone. If there’s a market for playoff tickets there’s a market for foot porn. That’s a win for society, it truly is. I am now rooting for the Panthers just in the off chance this guy secures some Super Bowl tickets. May even get to fuck a real live foot if that happens. Party on, party on.



Sidenote – the “we” he uses kind of creeps me out. Who is we? Is this like a book group but instead of reading books you circle jerk to feet? Actually you know what, I’ve asked too many questions, nevermind.




h/t busted coverage and @KelsonRand