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A Hoverboard Exploded And Burned Down A House And I'm Starting To Think These Things Aren't A Great Idea

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Mashable- Some of the chuckles surrounding those burning hoverboard videos were silenced on Friday when a UK teen led two younger children to safety after a hoverboard erupted in flames, filling the home with smoke. “The children were in the living room when they saw smoke coming from the hoverboard and within seconds it suddenly exploded into flames,” Fire Investigator and Station Manager Mark Helliwell said in a statement on the West Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service’s website. “This must have been quite a scary experience for them as the fire quickly took hold of the sofa and spread rapidly throughout the living room, which has been left gutted, and the rest of the house is heavily smoke logged.” Images posted by the fire department on Twitter reveal the home in Wyke, Bradford, almost entirely destroyed by the fire, with scorched walls and blackened furniture surrounding the burned remains of the hoverboard.



I’m just gonna come right out and say it.  That house burning down, and all the people getting injured when one of these things explodes under their feet, is payback for us calling it a hoverboard when it’s not an actual hoverboard. That’s what is happening here. It has wheels. The fucking thing has wheels and we’re out here calling it a hoverboard.  It’s a Segway without a handle. It’s not a fucking hoverboard. God or whoever is running the show up there is paying humans back for falsely naming it. And quite honestly, God/he/she/it is right for physically harming us for this horrific error in judgement.  We aimed way too low as a species. The name hoverboard should be reserved for the time when we create something that actually hovers in the air. Because building an actual overboard would/will be sign that we’ve made it to the future. A future with flying cars and humans colonizing Mars.  Not the fake future we’ve created where NBA players ride around on motorized skateboards and we call them hoverboards.  Bottomline is we jumped the gun and now we’re paying the price.