
If You Even Have The Ability To Get Mad About A Zac Efron Tweet You Should Be Locked Up

Absolutely hilarious tweet from Zac Efron. He wanted to show people he wasn’t a racist, but at the same time he was super proud of his 10 million followers on Instagram. So he did what anyone would do, compared the two! But the thing is, he’s definitely a liar because he without a doubt cares way more about the 10 million followers than MLK. MLK was dead before Zac was even born. And oh yeah, news flash, he’s white! Zac is whiter than cream cheese vacationing in the Hamptons. But do you know how hard it is to get 10 million Instagram followers? Sounds literally impossible. He shoulda been like real talk, things I care about today- being able to charge more for Instagram posts, not crashing while driving this car while taking a selfie, the 10k on my wrist, and which slut to text. But it didn’t stop people from being mad on the Internet!

HP - “Neighbors 2″ actor Zac Efron angered a lot of people on Monday when he posted an inappropriately worded message on Twitter and Instagram. Efron tried (and failed) to combine a message about Martin Luther King Jr. and his fans on social media and simply ended up getting trolled. 

Can you imagine being at a place in life where you have time in your day to conjure up legitimately angry feelings about a Zac Efron tweet? That’s when you take a look in the mirror and have a pep talk with yourself. Maybe sign off the internet and go for a long walk, think about what’s important in life.