
GTA Tournament Of Champions Season 5 - Finals: (1) Helen Owen vs (2) Katie May

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This is our 5th Guess That Ass postseason tourney. Ordinarily I do a full bracket with the top 8 asses of the year. At least a Final Four. But this season featured our most dominant ass ever – Helen Owen. She won goddam 18 straight. And before her in the early half of the season was Katie May who won 5 or 6. So between the two of them they almost made up the entire Guess That Ass regular season. So we’re just cutting to the chase. This is a 2 Ass race. No need to include the Ted Cruz’s of the world. Lets just get right down to the actual election and pick the best ass of the year.

1 seed Helen Owen:

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2 seed Katie May

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To be honest I was just gonna automatically crown Helen but then I remembered Katie May was the first half of the season. That chick is a goddess. Helen Owen still the prettiest girl on the planet and the heavy favorite, but Katie May in barre class with that ass out can go toe to toe with any chick on earth.

Vote 1 for Helen Owen Vote 10 for Katie May

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