
Ian Poulter Complaining About His Private Jet Being Delayed Is Classic Poulter

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Here’s the thing about Ian Poulter. He’s actually mad about this. That tweet almost makes it seem like he’s become self aware and is now just complaining about #RichPeopleProblems in a tongue-in-cheek manner. And maybe that’s what he intended the tweet to be but it still doesn’t hide the fact that he is for sure angry there. We’re talking about a guy who collects Ferraris. He doesn’t just drive them, he collects them. We have too much history with Poults and know these types of things really get under his skin. He’s legit fucking pissed that his private jet got delayed 30 minutes at LAX.  Not 3 hours. Not 2 hours. Not 1 hour. Not 45 minutes. 30 minutes. The length of a Senfeld episode. That’s what he’s mad about. That’s leaving out the fact that he doesn’t have to deal with zero leg room, crying babies, fat people sitting next to him or loud food chewers for those delayed 30 minutes. He could strip naked and run around the plane if he wanted. Be more out of touch, you can’t.



And how do we know these type of air travel woes get under Ian’s skin? Because #NeverForget



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h/t tim