
Video Emerges Of Dez Bryant Racing Bullet The Oklahoma State Mascot Horse

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via Pistols Firing

I’m not sure how many people (if any) have ever seen this raw footage, but here is Dez Bryant legitimately racing a horse (Bullet) on the turf at Boone Pickens Stadium. It is mesmerizing.

Oh just Dez Bryant casually neck and neck with a horse in a footrace. Pretty sure he flat out tied the second race too?

Race 1:

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Race 2:

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Just in case you were wondering how NFL teams were able to overlook his off the field issues and suspensions when Draft time rolled around. Being as fast as a fucking horse > character concerns.

Bullet is no slouch either, this horse loves the slop. It’s in his bloodlines. His father was a mudda’, his mother was a mudda’.

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