
Western Kentucky Has 1st and Goal From The 6 In The Miami Beach Bowl, Do They A) Score a Touchdown B) Settle For A Field Goal C)...Punt?

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If you guessed C give yourself a big pat on the back.

Not sure I’ve ever seen anything like it before. First and goal from the 6. End up punting. Incredible. Got to be one of the only times ever that a team has been forced to punt with “…& Goal” in the down?

Always good to make history I guess.

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1st-and-goal at the 6-yard line: Run for no gain and a 15-yard personal foul penalty against Western Kentucky
2nd-and-goal at the 21-yard line: Sack for a loss of seven yards
3rd-and-goal at the 28-yard line: Sack for a loss of 10 yards
4th-and-goal at the 38-yard line: Punt

Bowl Season…you never know what kind of excitement you’re going to see.


Brandon Doughty = beast.