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Reason # 4,763 Why It'd Suck To Be A Politician: Caller Asks If He Can Shit In A Congressman's Mouth


There are a lot of jobs that would suck but for real being a politician would SUCK.  Don’t get me wrong, I hate politicians as much as the next guy and think they’re mostly scum, but they get shit on so badly. It’s kind of hilarious.  Think about it this way. That congressman probably woke up extra early that morning to prepare for his TV appearance.  Showered, shaved, took a dump, put on some sexy cologne, put on his best suit and his best tie and headed out the door. Maybe even sent out a few texts to family and friends to tell them he was gonna be on TV and that they should watch.  All so he could be sitting on live TV and have someone ask him if he would let them shit in his mouth. That’s rough.



By the way, the look the congressman has on his face after the question is asked isn’t exactly a look of, “OH MY GOOD HOW DISGUSTING. WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU PEOPLE?” He kinda sorta seems down, right?


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