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It Is With Great Honor That I Present To You, Hypnoass

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Nope, this in’t a Guess That Ass.  Mostly because I have no idea who that is but it’s a great ass nonetheless.  Or at least I think it is.  Every time I look at it it changes shape and melts my brain.  I kind of like the mystery of not knowing who it is (I mean not really though, if anybody knows who it is fucking speak up).  Just stare at it.  Get lost in it.  I gotta say, I’m not much a hippy concert goer.  I like showers and not walking around in my bare feet.  But if Hypnoass starts to become a thing?  Then I’m gonna become a hippy.  Free love and jelly fish dancing while on LSD.  All of it. Count me in.  Because Hypnoass is great.