
Justise Winslow Says He Donates To Wikipedia Because He Could Have Never Gotten Through Duke Without It

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You know, as someone who uses Wikipedia 20 times a day for blog research, that big ass pop up asking me for money was really annoying the hell out of me – DEAR READERS, WE’LL GET RIGHT TO IT. Interrupting my day flow begging for spare change like the homeless guy on the subway wearing brand new Jordans. Leave it to a 19 year old* NBA rookie 10 years younger than me to share some words of wisdom and put it all in perspective.

I mean he’s exactly right – if anything deserves credit and a few minutes of our time, and few dollar from our e-wallet, it’s Wikipedia. No chance any of us get through high school, get through college, get a degree, get a job and earn a living without it, whether you did like one semester at Duke or a full 4 years because you don’t have a 45 inch vertical. Lost track of how many papers I got through solely based on Wikipedia research, using all the tricks of the trade like using all the info straight from the page but sourcing it all to the references in the footnotes in your biblio so the professor wouldn’t yell at you. So yeah I think I can shoot a little bit of cash out of my PayPal for support, it’s only right.

($3. I’ll give $3).

*19 years old, born in 1996. Nineteen ninety six. Playing big minutes in the NBA making $2.5 million a year. (frowning face emoji + gun emoji pointing at head)