
Clemson Dude Makes Drunk Bet On Internet, Says He'll Get A Dabo Tattoo If They Make The Playoff

One month ago…

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I know Dabo went on a rampage against the word “Clemsoning”:

But it kind of seems like deep down in places they don’t talk about at parties, Clemson was maybe doubting whether they’d actually make the Playoff? I mean first Dabo promised a pizza party for the entire school if they made it…and ended up having to pay like 38K out of pocket to cover it. Then you had fans offering to get gigantic tattoos of the coach’s face if they made it…and he ended up having to actually do it as well. Big old cartoon Dabo. I don’t care how much you love your team or how good of a story it is, nobody wants to spend the rest of their life with Dabo Swinney’s face on their body.

That’s just creepy as hell.

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