
Some Final Eagles/Pats Tailgate Footage And Words On "Pres The Weasel"

I was thinking about doing an Inception-style rebuttal to Pres’ obviously shook emergency pres conference yesterday (On Hanukkah, no less!), but I think that kind of torture isn’t allowed under the Geneva Convention. The little guy’s cage is rattled enough. From burning him at the tailgate to the actual game to the rundown it was a complete evisceration of the man’s mind, body, and soul. So I think at this point what’s best for the Barstool team, and for America, we move on together. Make no mistake about it, Pres is still our fearless leader and the Patriots will continue to be the best squad on Earth, but for one day, Philly has nice things. Let’s look forward and hopefully we have finally upgraded from walking in miles of shit to kilometers of piss.

And Pats fans, if you’re looking for why your team lost at home to the 4-7 Eagles, search no further than this victory blog posted before the game even started. Pride certainly does come before the fall.


Take it away, EatDatPussy. I feel so bad for that kid literally crying tears of joy over a football game if I wasn’t cutting onions with him. One of the happiest, most fulfilling days of my life, and just thinking that’s actually my reality makes me want to sob even more.

PS – I hear our boy Mo is making an appearance on the rundown today. Can’t wait. Everything coming up Philly!