
Asian Chick Has An Instagram Page Where She Rubs Her Face All Over Different Types Of Bread


Great music choice on that one

Just when you thought Clem’s 15 Second Snack Reviews were the weirdest videos you’d see on the internet this week! Sorry, New Dude! You’ve just been COMPLETELY trumped by Bread Face Blog. Asian chick bumping some fire songs as she smashes her face into various types of bread. Absolute electricity from this chick. Of course this falls under the Asians Are From Outer Space umbrella – this is Part 2,756,097. But unlike the previous 2,756,096 editions, I love this one. I cant look away. I cant stop watching. All different types of bread. All different types of music. Same Asian face. Its flat out artistic.

Plus you just gotta be happy she’s not crushing bunny rabbits and mice and a other small animals. Thats undoubtedly the sickest thing Asians do.

PS – Obviously I would. I would times a million. And I’d incorporate bread into it. We’d smush bread all over each other and then I’d brag about it to my friends.