
Roy Hibbert Drops Some Perspective On Everybody This Wednesday Afternoon

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You know things are going bad in LA when you a player hears about three gunmen killing 12 people and injuring 20 more and a player’s first thought is, “Shit. Haven’t been almost this sad since the last time I was on the court.” Glad he acknowledges it’s at least a little bit worse, though. Just a little reminder to look at the world from a different viewpoint, courtesy of Roy Hibbert. I appreciate that. Yeah, losing to the 76ers stings but San Bernadino is totally a more solemn situation. When life’s got you down and your heart is hurting, remember that victims of mass shootings have it worse. No matter how many games you’ve lost or how many threes Kobe is taking on his way out the door, at least you or your loved ones weren’t shot dead. Think about that.



PSA: Don’t make condolences about you, it makes you look like an asshole. It’s very possible to feel for other people without mentioning how “hard” it’s been playing in the NBA.