
China Is Looking To Hire A "Chief Pornographic Identification Officer"




Must be familiar with adult content? Must be college educated? Daily yogurt and fruit stipend? Consider me in!


I’m actually torn on this job. On one hand it sounds awesome. Find porn all day and report it. Dream job. Done and done. But on the other, it’s China. Chinese porn has to be pretty fucked up no? Tentacle porn. Lady Boys. Dog eating. Just weird shit 24/7/365. So maybe if we can get a test day going I’ll consider this position. Maybe I become an intern while my new intern runs Chicago. Get my feet wet. Dip my toes in to a sea of tiny chinese dicks before I jump all the way in.


The Benefits section reminded me that I haven’t had a physical in about 10 years. I don’t even know if I still have a chart. I’m just completely off the grid. Like do adults have to get shots? Have I been missing anything important? Either way, probably not a good thing.


thanks to Adam for the tip.