Donald Trump Says Hes The Least Racist Person On The Planet Earth

I believe, yo. I dunno why. But I do.

As someone who’s often branded a racist I understand this situation completely. There’s a difference between being racist and being racially aware. Just because I recognize, understand, and acknowledge racial stereotypes and character traits doesnt mean I dislike that group of people. For example, I simply acknowledge, and find it hysterical, that black people hoot and holler in the movie theater. Doesnt mean I dislike them. Its just something thats true and hilarious. Of course its a generalization – not all black folks do it. But a lot of them do. And just because I say that out loud and laugh about it doesnt make me racist.

Thats sort of how Donald Trump says Mexicans are rapists. I dont think he hates all Mexicans. He just hates the rapists. He takes a look at his statistics via people tweeting him jpegs on twitter, decides that theres a lot of Mexican rapists, and acknowledges the reality. Lots of Mexis = rapists = we need to build a wall. Thats all Donald is thinking. And if thats true, can you really fault him? Hes anti-rapist, not anti-Mexican. Unless you’re no longer allowed to hate rapists, The Donald aint bad. Least racist person alive.