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Of Course Robinson Cano Wants To Come Back To NY


NYDNSo maybe Van Slyke is just so bitter about being fired that he needed someone to blame. But even if Cano has had the best intentions as a Mariner, one long-time friend who spoke to him recently says the second baseman is not happy in Seattle, especially with a new regime in charge there now, and that he’d love to somehow find his way back to New York.

Cano, whose strong second half made his overall numbers (.287, 21 home runs, .779 OPS) respectable, would still be a difference-maker in the Bronx, but with eight years and $192 million remaining on his contract, the Mariners would have to be desperate to move him.

How desperate?

“He’s, what, 33 now, and he’s not an elite defender at second base anymore,” a major league executive said. “I think the Yankees would see him as being worth about five years and $80 million. So if Seattle is willing to eat about $100 million, they could probably work something out. But good luck with that.

Well here’s a rumor that doesn’t need a source at all. Did anyone think that Cano to Seattle for $240mil was going to be a good thing, and all sides would be happy? I wrote in 2013, about how there was no way this was a good move for Cano, The Mariners or Jay-Z and said specifically about Cano:

What are you going to do, be the third Spanish guy in the history of Seattle? Like really think about what it would be like to LIVE IN SEATTLE. Far from the DR, no 40/40 club and just pale depressed white women. Plus the Yankees are offering 7/$175 which is the same amount of money per year, but at the end you get your veteran Yankee contracts like Jeter is now, NY endorsement dollars everything that comes with being a career Yankee. After the first $150mil does the rest really matter?

Well won’t you look at that, last season we heard about how he was unhappy about being trapped in the Northwest and now he hasn’t made the playoffs in either of his years away from The Bronx. He could have stepped right into Jeter’s role as being the most marketable player on the Yankees, but still had the luxury of other big contracts and every move ARod makes to shield him from scrutiny. Of course he wants to come home. When you’re penny smart and dollar foolish you end up in shitty situations where all you can do it cry in a pile of money and leak rumors through friends that you want to get back together. It’s sad and it’s desperate, but just like any ex who offers up the backdoor – I am willing to get back together.

It’s never going to happen and in the end, trading these contracts would be like trading syphilis for the clap but that’s kind of what you get when you think about getting back together with your ex.