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When You're Going To Be An Alcoholic You Might As Well Go All The Way, Like Blowing A .336 And Showing Up To Your DUI Case Black Out Drunk

Think its safe to say Michael Schroyer should not get his license back.



BLOOMINGTON — An Ellsworth man on his way into the McLean County Law and Justice Center to dispute a drunken-driving charge came to the building intoxicated and struck a court security officer during a struggle for his car keys, police said Wednesday.

When officers questioned Michael D. Schroyer, 48, about his alleged unsteady gait and asked if he had been drinking, Schroyer responded, “Hell, yeah. I drink every day,” according to sheriff’s police reports.

An account of Tuesday’s incident by a sheriff’s deputy indicates Schroyer struggled with officers as they attempted to take his car keys before he could leave the parking lot on the west side of the courthouse. During a struggle with police, Schroyer was pushed to the ground and suffered facial injuries, said a report.

Once at the jail, Schroyer allegedly refused to provide a breath sample to officers.

“The last time I did that they told me I had so much alcohol in my blood that I should have been dead. I think that machine was wrong. That’s why I’m here today. I am going to fight it. I got a hell of a tolerance, I guess,” the officer quoted Schroyer as saying. Schroyer’s comments reportedly were about traffic citations issued in March charging him with drunken driving and illegal transportation of alcohol.

A report of the March arrest indicates that Schroyer’s blood alcohol content was 0.336, more than four times the legal limit for driving.



You know the saying “Go Big or Go Home”, well I don’t think anyone has every truly encapsulated that saying more than Michael D. Schroyer. Anyone can be a degenerate alcoholic, the world has more than enough of those, but not everyone has the balls to show up to their DUI case black out drunk trying to fight the merits of a breathlyzer when they blew a .336. I mean that’s what we’re arguing here. This isn’t like Al Michaels blowing a .08 and saying the machine gave a bad reading. A .336 should be a dead person.  I don’t think you can get a .336 if you pour alcohol directly into the breathlyzer tube. It’s completely outrageous. And for anyone else it would probably mean rehab, jail, and an entire life change but for Michael Schroyer? It just means he has to get his lawyer face on and start fist fighting cops. Some people were born special I guess.



“Hell Yeah I Drink Every Day” is such a cocky response to such a routine question for an alcoholic. Mike Schroyer is who he is. Not even going to try and hide it. Not for one second.