Redskins Lose, Play The Giants Next Week For First Place in the NFC East
(photoshop cred: me)
Not the best game today, you guys. Not the best. Was tied up 14-14, Skins got a pick 6 to take the lead….and it was called back, the Panthers scored, and the Skins never scored again (besides that safety with 16 seconds left, count itttttt). Cam Newton threw 5 TD passes, Kirk Cousins fumbled 12 times, the Skins were so bad at running the ball this happened:
All in all it was a bad game. The best play of the game was Jay Gruden’s catch on the sideline:
Late in the game both Trent Williams and Joran Reed got hurt, which is the shit cherry on top of the shit sundae. They probably shouldn’t even have been playing to begin with, and now we wait for news of how serious their injuries are.
The weird thing is now the Skins play the Giants next week…for first place in the NFC East. Really. Hopefully those injuries aren’t serious and the Skins can finish the season strong again the Giants, Bears, Bills, the awful Eagles, and two games vs the Cowboys.