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Did Ohio Lose On Purpose Just So Harbaugh Couldn’t Go To the Big 10 Championship Game?






I know it sounds crazy, but I asked this question midway through the 2nd quarter. I just refuse to believe that Ohio could be this bad. It was like they weren’t even trying. I mean MSU had their backup QB in there. They should have been able to beat this team with their eyes closed. Just a lethargic, half assed effort from Ohio from the opening kick to the final whistle. It was almost like they didn’t even want to win. That they knew if they did beat MSU then Harbaugh would surely trounce them next week and go to Indianapolis for the Big 10 Championship. Seriously is it really beyond belief that Urban Meyer would throw this game? He already faked a heart attack to get out of Florida when all his talent was gone. Now it looks like he tanked a game just to prevent his arch nemesis from winning the Big 10. I’m not saying there needs to be an investigation, but I’m not saying there doesn’t need to be an investigation either. Shame on Ohio. Shame.

PS – The fact Michigan is a dropped punt away from the National Championship is a joke.