
This Dog Fucking LOVES Tennis


The Australian Open is on right now, which means my Golden Retriever is in heaven. Georges will watch this all day. While he does love all sports, tennis is his favorite.


It’s been such a dog-filled week at Barstool and I love it. Puppies around the clock. And now we have this goldie who is hyped out of his mind watching tennis. At first I thought it’s just because he’s a dog and doesn’t get that he can’t actually catch the tennis ball, but then I realized nope, Georges is a tennis enthusiast. A student of the game. My man simply loves him some tennis. Meanwhile dog #2 wants to watch something else. Sorry other dog. Maybe get a hobby or go lick your balls or something until the Australian Open is over.

Can we talk about tennis real quick? I feel like nobody gives a fuck about it, but it used to be pretty popular. Back when it was Sampras and Agassi, tennis was all the rage. I don’t get that same vibe even though Rafa and Federer are beasts too. Probably because they aren’t American so they don’t really matter. And then women’s tennis, is there a new hot Russian yet? Tennis needs a new hot Russian.

PS: Can you imagine if LaVar Arrington and whatever Williams sister he was smashing had a child? I always wish they made children so the government could confiscate it and clone it incase we ever need to go to war, we have a front line of super humans ready to go.