
How Much Money Would You Pay To Be Good Looking? - KFC Radio 144

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Last week was a genie, this week’s question involves a wizard. Particularly a wizard from Chicago. Not sure why Chicago, but it just is.

So here’s the deal – wizard will make you better looking in exchange for money. Every dollar you give him makes you that much better looking. But you dont really know how much money it would take though in order to make you truly good looking, and you only get 1 shot. You understand? So you gotta decide ahead of time how much money you’re willing to spend on your one shot to become good looking.

How much money you dropping?

Big Cat said he’d spend every dime he has. Feitelberg said he’d take out a loan, rob a bank, and sell all his belongings to get as much money as possible to spend as much as he possibly could. Both of them convinced that if they were studs they’d become unimaginably wealthy and make back every penny. So how much would you spend? A one time lump sum? As much as you possibly could? Just enough to be good looking enough to get laid?

I’m already sexy as fuck so I’d probably only spend like 500 bucks.

We also talk about which 3 states in America we’d like to control. Big Cat discusses his plans to go into a huge soup face. Guilty pleasure music, how to tell your buddy that you hate his girlfriend, sneezing vs cumming, everything in life being hot vs everything being cold, and Feitelberg’s life aspirations which are staggeringly low. Episode 144 plug in juice up.