
Breaking Down The Travis Hamonic Situation In New York

April 1 2014 New York Islanders Defenceman Travis Hamonic 3 6722 warms up prior to the Florida P

This is a story that has seemed to get the rounds these past 24 hours. What started as news that the Islanders are shopping defenseman Travis Hamonic has transitioned into reports that he has requested a trade out of New York.

Now, before you go and make your super-original jokes about the BC, attendance records, and Capuano’s coaching all playing part in his decision, know that Hammer himself has publicly stated this request stems from personal issues, more specifically dealing with his family out West.

So here you have a homegrown, 25 year old, top-4 defender, with 4 years left on a ridiiiicccuuulously good contract – and your job is to now move him against your will. A rough spot for Garth Snow to be in these past 3 months since Hamonic made the initial request.

Right off the bat, what sticks out to me is the fact he requested the trade during camp back in September. Nevermind the fact that this somehow took months to be leaked, but the fact that a move hasn’t been made shows Garth isn’t just taking anyone in return. He knows the goal is to get equal or greater value in return, as the veteran depth at D was already put to question going in to the season, with Hamonic playing a major role.

Now add on in why he’s trying to move what seems like the ultimate value player has now been made public.. every GM on the opposite end of the phone now knows the reason behind the call, and that the ball is no longer in Garth’s court.

It makes sense to believe the 4 western Canadian cities are all in play but there’s no telling where Hamonic will end up, cause at this point a trade is no longer an if but a when. Same can be said for the return he’ll garner, no telling if it’s a mirror Defensemen, that elite winger JT so desperately needs, or Connor McDavid himself. All we know is that the waiting game has already begun.

The real victim of this news is good ol’ Hammer. There’s no doubt the kid loved his time as an Islander. Came up through the ranks in BPT, played 3rd pair minutes for god knows how long, lead the charge in the Pittsburgh series 3 years ago and was a young leader for this club.

A true Islander, now having to leave the room after what seems like forever. Sucks to see him leave but hockey is a business, and players are humans. [Quick shoutout to all the people who’ll boo him tomorrow night in light of him being a human being with a family].

Like gold Jerry, gold.