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Shout Out To This Guy Who Paid For The Meals Of 400 US Soldiers During A Layover

Daily Wire- On his way to visit Israel with his family, a Los Angeles businessman came upon 400 U.S. soldiers preparing to eat their paper sack dinners during a layover in Shannon, Ireland and decided he wanted to honor them with a good warm meal. As the regular passengers and friends were all dining at the various trendy restaurants, entrepreneur and philanthropist Shlomo Rechnitz approached the commander and told him that he wanted to treat the servicemen to the same. At first the commander said it was unnecessary, but Shlomo insisted, and the commander announced to all the soldiers that they could eat a meal at any restaurant up to $50. After the servicemen ate, the commander asked if Shlomo would share with all of them why he wanted to do this. Rechnitz addressed the men saying, ” ...you guys risk your lives to protect me and protect my family. If I get to go out and see a whole bunch of Army soldiers and Marines, it’s something that makes me proud. I’m on my way to Israel now and you guys protect them too, and I just wanted to say thank you from the bottom of my heart.”



Kindness is magic. That’s one thing no act of terror can take away from us. Being nice to one another. Being decent to one another. This is exactly what those ISIS fucks don’t want.  They want us to splinter and be at each other’s throats over what to do about them.  That plays right into their hands. They feed and thrive off of chaos.  Too bad they’re messing with the greatest country in the history of the universe and it’s gonna take a lot more than a couple low-rent videos chock full of threats to rattle us. Fantastic gesture form this guy purely out of the kindness of his heart.  He sees 400 US solider in an airport?  He buys them all a meal in order to thank them.  It’s a small thing considering what soldiers sacrifice every single day but at least it’s something.  Good on him.