
A Man Lost His Super Bowl Field Credential Because He Posted a Picture Of It On Facebook

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NBC – An Arizona man who had a chance to be on the field at the Super Bowl will have to watch it on TV — all because of Facebook.
Russ Knight, a former DJ who lives in Glendale, was hired by the NFL as an assistant frequency coordinator. Knight told KPHO-TV that, in his excitement, he posted a picture on Facebook earlier this month of him wearing his credential. But according to NFL policy, sharing pictures of passes online is strictly prohibited. Knight says within a few hours of his posting, an NFL official called and told him to return the credential. NFL officials say the rule helps prevent duplication of credentials.




As dumb as the rule is, sometimes you just have to follow rules. It’s the NFL after all. Socks have to be a certain length, shoes have to be a certain color, and you can’t post pictures on your Facebook wearing a press pass. It’s not that hard. So this jamoke has now gone from watching the game on the field to binge ordering 100 wings and eating himself into a black hole. Quite a swing. He got pocket aces and then folded preflop because he wasn’t paying attention. Just reason 101 old people shouldn’t be on Facebook, they just can’t handle it. They make 200 statuses a day, they comment on literally everything, and they post pics of things they should really keep to themselves, like pictures of babies and Super Bowl credentials.