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Catholic Bishops Released A Shocking Statement Saying That Porn Usage Has Grown Exponentially Due To Technology

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NBC News- Roman Catholic bishops issued a collective condemnation of pornography Tuesday, calling it “a dark ‘sign’ of the modern world” that causes “corrosive damage.” The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops almost unanimously approved a statement saying the impact of porn had “grown exponentially” with technology. “Some have even described it as a public health crisis,” they said. The report — “Create in Me a Clean Heart: A Pastoral Response to Pornography” — was adopted by bishops at their general assembly in Baltimore by 230 votes to 4, with one abstention. The move “shows our collective concern for the widespread problem of pornography in our culture today,” Bishop Richard J. Malone of Buffalo, New York, said in a news release. “Virtually everyone is affected by pornography in some way.” In the document [PDF link here] the bishops say pornography “hurts the user by potentially diminishing his or her capacity for healthy human intimacy and relationships” and “presents a distorted view of human sexuality that is contrary to authentic love, and it harms a person’s sense of self-worth.” The report also takes aim at he “myth of harmlessness,” saying that “erotic, over-sexualized, and pornographic images are more present in American society than ever before.”




Hold. The. Fucking. Phone. Lemme get this straight. You’re telling me that with the advancement of technology there has also been an increase in people watching porn?  Exponentially? Take those pink scarfs and get right outta town!  I don’t believe it.  I won’t believe it. You mean to tell me that if we give people the ability to watch porn whenever and wherever they want that they’ll do it more than ever before?  That’s wild stuff, man. Wild and crazy stuff. The Catholic Church ahead of the curve once again. The funny thing about this they held meetings about it. Like, are we sure about this?  Can that be right? Do people know about this?  They even voted on whether or not they should even put out a statement with such outlandish claims


Roman Catholic bishops issued a collective condemnation of pornography Tuesday, calling it “a dark ‘sign’ of the modern world” that causes “corrosive damage.” The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops almost unanimously approved a statement saying the impact of porn had “grown exponentially” with technology.


Almost unanimously?  Show me the 4 dudes who voted to not release that statement.  Point’em out and I’ll show you the 4 biggest porn watchers you’ve ever seen in your life. The guy who judges other people for watching porn is always the weirdest fuck in the group. Always. A part of me feels like this condemnation of porn comes from a place of jealousy. The Catholic church is pissed that somebody is making money off sexual deviants when that’s totally their thing.


Also, how about these guys having the balls to say that porn is “corrosive” and can be considered a health crisis?  Hey guys, maybe if some of your Catholic peeps had utilized these so-called corrosive porn sites they wouldn’t have diddled a bunch of little boys.  Ever think of that, you sick bastards?  Let the priests blow off some steam on the side at and maybe they won’t have so much pent up sexual drive that they grab the closest altar boy and use them as their own personal playground. #itsmy2cents