
If You're Not Down With The Shedd Aquarium's Baby Beluga Live Web Cam Then You're Essentially A Terrorist


(Source) The Shedd Aquarium has partnered up with WGN-TV to launch a live webcam of its baby beluga whale as part of a contest to name the baby.

The Shedd’s beluga whale Mauyak gave birth to the 4 1/2-foot, 150-pound baby girl on August 27. Mauyak was consuming 65 pounds of fish per day to support the nursing calf, and now the baby weighs 300 pounds and measures six feet long.

Now you can cast your vote for the baby girl’s name on the Shedd’s website, on WGN’s website or via text.

You can vote as many times as you like until Thursday, May 2 when the name will be revealed. Choose one of the following names derived from the Inuit language.

Nilak (NEE-lohk) – Freshwater ice
Kimalu (KEE-mah-loo) – Something or someone special
Aniuk (AH-nee-ook) – Snow for drinking water
Anana (Ah-NON-ah) – Beautiful


I am so into this Baby Beluga web cam. So fucking into it. Just look at this little fucker.

Basically saying, Hey Big Cat, sup bro, wanna come in my tank and do some laps. Well Baby Beluga yes, yes I do. Baby Beluga cam all day everyday.


Oh and for anyone who thinks I’m lying, this is my current desk set up. Its like I’m blogging underwater. 50% man, 50% whale, 100% blogger. Sort of impressive, I know.