
Assault Complaint Filed Against Dr. Melissa Click

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USA TodayThe University of Missouri student who filmed assistant professor Melissa Click call for “muscle” to eject him from a protest site on campus says he filed a complaint with police alleging simple assault.

Mark Schierbecker said he filed the complaint with campus police late Wednesday and was waiting to hear if they would press charges against Click, an assistant professor in the university’s Department of Communication. A police department spokesman, Major Brian Weimar, confirmed the complaint had been filed.

“We are looking into this and following up,” Weimar said.

Schierbecker said he met with Click at her office on Tuesday, but that he found her apology “lacking.” He said that he’s made further attempts to contact Click to speak to her about his grievances with her, but she has refused to engage him.

“I am just left with the feeling that she doesn’t care,” Schierbecker told USA TODAY.

“She said she felt threatened by (Schierbecker),” Thorson said in an interview. “I asked, ‘Did you push him?’ She said that she didn’t remember, that she thought she held up her hand. She said she felt that she and the students were being aggressed upon.”

Thought about putting myself in a Safe Space for today and avoiding all stories with “Missouri” in them, but this is just too good. Assault charges filed against Melissa Click. Like an actual police report and a subsequent investigation upcoming that will result in actual legal trouble, or at the very least a bunch of money she’ll have to waste on lawyers. That’s so, so awesome.

I mean, was it “assault”? Of course not! You think I give a fuck? If there was ever a time we could all 100% support frivolous charges and gross exaggerations it’s right now – if you can’t throw her in jail for being a total dumbass hack professor with no concept of the First Amendment or how real life works, you gotta resort to something like trumped up assault charges.

Get em Senator!

A Missouri state senator. Kurt Schaefer, urged the university to fire both Click and Basler. “It is incumbent on the University of Missouri to send a strong message that acts of intimidation and violence will not be tolerated on campus,” Schaefer, a Republican, said in a statement.

He also said that prosecutors should consider filing criminal charges against one or both of them. The charges could include assault or attempted false imprisonment, according to Schaefer’s statement.


I love this part by the way –

Jordan Yount, a spokesman for the university’s Arts & Science College, on Thursday referred questions about the assault complaint and Click’s status at the university to the chairman of the communication’s department, Mitchell McKinney. McKinney did not respond to a request for comment.

Pretty good PR for your school’s Communications department when a Professor of Communications doesn’t know what Free Speech is and the Chairman of Communications refuses to communicate with the media. I bet the applications will just start cascading in like a waterfall.