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People Are Just Finding Out About Karina Lemos, The Girl I Dubbed The World's Sexiest Little Person

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Previously in May:


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I know Pres says all the time that Barstool innovates and others imitate and obviously it happens all the time with viral videos or stuff we find first ending up on other sites without credit. But I have to say, credit or not, I’m pleasantly surprised to be so far ahead of the curve on this one. Li’l Karina is entirely responsible for her own fame with that her sexy fun sized vibes but I have to admit, it feels good to know I’ve still got an eye for transcendent talent (though if Karina Lemos gets a Fox Sports 1 show too, I may repeatedly smash my head on my concrete coffee table). But that can’t kill my good vibes right now. I feel like Kevin Bacon in The Air Up There, only the exact opposite in every possible way.


Even better, there are some new quotes from our girl Karina and I found it hilarious and maybe (?) kind of hot that she’s so insanely confident. She said to Daily Mail, “I don’t have hang-ups about my size, quite the opposite. I put in a lot of hard work to stay in shape. I know that people find me attractive, because they have told me many times.”


Honestly good for her. I guess there’s also some video that features her, and I quote, “gyrating inside a paddling pool doing a Gangnam-style dance alongside a male dwarf while wearing a revealing leotard.” Sadly, I can’t find that video so these pictures are going to have to suffice.


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UNREAL booty on that last one. Nothing will ever top that first pic of her in the yellow pants but that’s a hell of an effort. Hold me closer, tiny dumper.