Charlie Whitehurst Released, Sad Day For Backup Quarterback Fans Around The Country
Well boys, we lost a great one today, no other way to put out. Clipboard Jesus being sent out to the big scary real world to fend for himself with a mere 17 million dollars in his pocket.
As a huge fan of NFL backup quarterbacks this one hurts. Charlie Whitehurst was the perfect combo you want in your backup. Cool nickname, just good enough in college to think that maybe just maybe he could be ok, and just bad enough to remember that he totally sucks every time he actually got playing time. What a career too, went from 2007 to halfway through 2010 without taking a single snap in an NFL game, all the while making over 2 million dollars. His career highlight was in January 2011 when he came in for Matt Hasselback and took the 7-9 Seahawks to the playoffs on the final night of the regular season behind a stellar 84.5 QB rating (he was put back on the sideline the next game when the Seahawks beat the Saints with the Marshawn Lynch run). He was a man who lived the dream of doing the bare minimum while still making millions and getting all the benefits of being a professional athlete.
My one Charlie Whitehurst story came a year and a half ago when I was on a bachelor party in Nashville. We were hanging out at a bar on the Vandy campus and all of a sudden there was this low murmur in the crowd, you know like when someone is about to get in a fight and everyone starts looking over. Well it wasn’t a fight, because in walked Mettenberger, Taylor Lewan, and Charlie Whitehurst. The first two guys no one gave a fuck about, they were just two enormous humans at a bar, but Charlie, Charlie had it. Not going to go as far as say he was like Prince and the cloud of smoke but when he sat down there were 5 gorgeous women that immediately went and sat with him. I got the courage to go up to him later in the night and it was right when that story broke that he lost his jersey number in an arm wrestling contest with the kicker. So I asked him if it was true and he looked at me, smirked, and simply said “come on” as if I was the dumbest human being alive. Charlie Whitehurst, clipboard Jesus, losing to a kicker? Come on Big Cat, be better. I then left because I felt so stupid but I assume he bedded all 5 women at the same time. To be a backup quarterback, the life.