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If You're Going To The Flyers Game Tonight, Make Sure To Say Hi To New Arena Host Alex Kraemer


2015-16 may not end up being the greatest year for the Philadelphia Flyers on the ice. But off the ice, however, and specifically at home, this season is shaping up to be a huge success. By now I’m sure plenty of people who make it to the WFC for games have noticed a newcomer who is the definition of wifey conducting interviews during the game with fans. Well luckily today, the good guys over at Crossing Broad were able to figure out her name so allow me to introduce you to Alex Kraemer. The Philadelphia Flyers new Arena Host coming to us from the University of Georgia. You can follow her on Twitter here and on Instagram here. So sure, if you go to a Flyers game this season you have to sit there and watch them give up a million shots in 60 minutes. But you also get the chance to run into Alex so it all evens itself out.







