
The Cubs Finally Won A Game, You Know What That Means, 1 More And We Have Ourselves A Winning Streak

Well this season has been FANTASTIC. If people haven’t watched the Cubs (why would you), its basically like those choose your own adventure books you used to read in middle school. You know the ones you skip around. Except instead of a dozen adventures there are only 2. It’s lose the regular way where you just suck, or lose the terrible way where you play better than the other team and wait for the bullpen to blow it. That’s it. That’s all we have. And now all the talk is that Dale Sveum is on his way out, not exactly surprising. That Rizzo and Starlin have been scolded privately and publicly, hitting .178 and .277 respectively. And that this team is well on it’s way to lose 100 games again while the front office tells everyone to be patient. And to be perfectly honest, I know patience is key here, It’s not like we’re winning anything this year, or next year, but watching a team that is supposed to be rebuilding suck like this is frustrating. How can it not be. And this is all coming off a win no less.


So you know how I have my tried and true funk buster. Where I buy something and look at a hot chick. Well this is Big Cat’s Cubs funk buster. Pretty simple. We just look at Kim Dejesus, wife of David Dejesus. And that my friends, is how we start ourselves a winning streak!