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Jeb Bush Directly Responds To Emails In 45 Seconds, Says Charlie Strong Can Bring Back Texas Football

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Jeb! This guy just continues to come through in the clutch. What other Presidential candidate do you know who will respond to your burning college football questions in less than one minute while in the middle of a grueling campaign schedule? Taxes. Border control. Social issues. Medicare. Is Charlie Strong the right coach to turn Longhorns football around. Who’s to say one issue is more important than the other? As a matter of fact I’m pretty sure any Texas fan from the past half a decade would argue the last one is more pressing than anything, I mean they got shutout by Iowa State, can you believe that shit.

New grassroots campaign manager for Jeb Bush:

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Kind of owes it to the first guy to publicly endorse his job security IMO.

Some other lightning fast email responses from Jeb.

True man of the people.

Also, this recap of his event at a middle school yesterday is amazing.

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[h/t Clay Travis]