
If You're Breastfeeding Your Baby In a Casino You Don't Deserve To Have a Baby Or Be Allowed In a Casino

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WTOP - The story of a breastfeeding mom who was kicked out of Maryland’s Casino at Ocean Downs for nursing her seven-week old baby there has gone viral, with outrage growing over what some are calling blatant discrimination. The Berlin, Md., casino told her, according to this story by CBS Baltimore, that the casino rules are strict — no one under the age of 21 is permitted on the gaming floor — so the baby had to go. “I was in shock, I could not believe that was happening. I was just trying to feed my daughter, I was not trying to take her gambling or anything,” Alana Panas told the local television station. She explained that she and her boyfriend, and her father had come to the casino after a family dinner. It was their first time at a casino. Her mother had been watching her baby girl, named Lilly, until the infant became fussy. Panas met he mother in the lobby and began to nurse. She told the Salisbury Md., Daily Times that she was never on the gaming floor, she was in the corner of the lobby, waiting for her boyfriend to bring the car keys. After posting on her Facebook page, Panas’ story went viral. Ocean Downs posted an apology on Twitter afterwards saying, “We strive to make our guest’s experience enjoyable. If any member of our team acted in a manner that doesn’t promote that, we’re sorry.” Panas doesn’t buy it — she said the casino reached out to her and told she had been seen as “a security threat.” Maryland is one of 46 states that have specific laws allowing women to breastfeed in public. Stephanie Amsler, leader of Berlin’s chapter of La Leche, a national women’s breastfeeding support group, told the newspaper that mothers are often told to leave places of business while breastfeeding. “The law protects mothers who choose to breastfeed in public,” Amsler said. “That choice to breastfeed in a restaurant, store park, mall or any other public place is up to the mother and her baby.”


Titties=awesome. Breastfeeding titties=disgusting. Seeing a woman breastfeed in public= vomit everywhere. Nobody wants to see that shit. Go to a dark alley or your car or the roof if you want to whip out your saggy tits to have your baby that everyone hates suckle on them. If I’m at a casino, the last thing I want to see is a damn baby unless I can punt it similarly to how I am punting my money. I can’t imagine how pissed everyone in the casino was when they were blasting off paycheck after paycheck and then saw this fatty with her baby, screaming for attention. That’s all it comes down to- people with babies want everyone to see their baby. We get it, you have a fucking baby, and we hate you and we hate your baby. We just want to lose thousands of dollars in peace and not have to see your gross self and stupid child. You go to the casino to get away from that shit, not to have it rubbed in your face. They should take away her baby and ban her from every casino. Try again next time!