
Coach Thibodeau Signs 4 Year Contract Extension



NEW YORK — Chicago Bulls head coach Tom Thibodeau said Thursday he has finally signed the four-year contract extension he agreed to when training camp began earlier this season. A Yahoo Sports report last week stated that Thibodeau had still not signed his deal but the veteran coach, who is in the final year of his first contract, said that’s not the case anymore. “As I said before it’s a non-issue,” Thibodeau said. “It’s taken care of.”

Thibodeau seemed surprised that there was so much drama surrounding his deal, but he is pleased that it is now done. “Yeah, it never was an issue,” he said. “I don’t know how it became an issue.” So why did it take Thibodeau so long to actually sign the deal he had agreed to months ago. “The lawyers had it,” Thibodeau said. “And they were changing language and stuff, which quite honestly I don’t even pay attention to it. It was done in October as far as I was concerned.”



I feel like a lot of times when a coach or player says a contract is a “non-issue” it really means that there are a ton of issues but they don’t want to publicly talk about them. But with Thibs its different. I honestly don’t think Thibs has any hobbies outside of basketball. Zero. He’s not married. He has no kids. For all I know he doesn’t even have a house, just sleeps under his desk like Costanza, lives at the Berto Center and only showers when its a gameday. And that’s why I love this contract. This season has been a pretty big disappointment. The injuries, the February free-fall, D-Rose, even more injuries, an inevitable first or second round playoff exit, basically ever bounce not going our way since the first of the year. But the one constant has been Thibs. No one does more with less than this guy does. The Bulls beat the best team in the league, a team that had won 27 straight, without their star point guard and all star center. Besides the debacle in Sacramento last month this team has competed night in and night out. And if you have been paying attention recently, Thibs is starting to get it when it comes to injuries. He’s starting to see that burning guys out will kill us in the playoffs. Bellinelli could probably be playing right now but he’s not. Same with Noah. So I’m a HUGE fan of this contract. Outside of Greg Popovich, I don’t know any other coach in the league that I would want for the foreseeable future.


Now we just wait on god to tell Derrick he can come back and we’ll be all good.