
Pete Rose Called Josh Donaldson, Jose Bautista and Adrian Beltre Pussies On MLB Net Tonight For Leaving The Game With Injuries

So far I’ve seen a lot of people divided on Pete Rose calling out these three for leaving a playoff game with (seemingly) minor injuries tonight, namely Brett Anderson and Brandon McCarthy. I can see where they’re coming from, to an extent, especially McCarthy because he’s taken a liner off the dome before.

I for one loved it. Here’s the thing – this is Charlie Hustle who spoke those words. He would sprint to first base on a walk, truckstick catchers in meaningless all star games and play balls to the wall 10000% of the time. He was wired differently, and that was a big reason for his success. I wish more baseball players approached the game like a Rose or a Rowand did.

And for the record – Donaldson’s spot in the lineup was up with the tying runs on base after he was pulled. Not saying he wasn’t actually woozy or whatever, but going from the AL MVP front runner to whoever pinch hit for him could have changed the series.