
Radio Host In Hot Water For Calling ESPN's Jessica Mendoza "Tits McGee" During Last Night's Broadcast

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Listen you know at this point in the pro sports world, any thing to do with females is going to be met with lazy jokes and unfair criticism from men. Whether it’s commentating, officiating, coaching, whatever. There are gonna be dudes who call the girl in question “Tits McGee” like they’re fucking Champ Kind from Anchorman. Jessica Mendoza is Veronica Corningstone and as unfortunate as that is, she she wear it as a badge of honor. She’s a trailblazer and trailblazers always endure a ton of hate. Whether it’s about race or gender or sexual orientation or whatever, when you’re the first to do something, this is what is gonna happen. You kill it in your respective field so much so that you stand out more than anyone else ever has that’s been in the same position. Jessica Mendoza is smart enough and sharp enough to excel beyond anybody’s expectations. I think she can handle some no name calling her Tits McGee. I don’t necessarily think she’s spectacular. But I dont think any of the ESPN broadcasters really are. She does a fine job and knows her shit. She’s baseballs Doris Burke. Not a big deal. I’m more offended that there are actually people out there who think “Tits McGee” is still funny.

Also the idea that you need to have been an MLB player is just stupid. Plenty of the best broadcasters in the game are not ex players. To say Jessica Mendoza cant contribute to a broadcast because she didnt play Major League Baseball is stupid.

But what I want to talk about was the Chris Archer LOVE FEST last night. Twitter and the rest of the Internet was collectively slobbering all over Chris Archer’s commentating dick. I thought I was taking crazy pills. I mean don’t get me wrong it’s NOT an easy job. And Chris Archer is obviously a pitcher, not a professional broadcaster. But all I heard was like 5,000 ums and a pitch by pitch breakdown that sounded like the grabbed an average Joe off the street. Again I don’t want to come off as bashing the guy because he did fine for a player and I know it’s extremely difficult but judging by the internets reaction you would have though Vin Scully walked through that door. It was wayyyy over the top. It almost seemed like the mob mentality of the comments section, but in a positive way instead of negative. A few important people said was good and next think you know the whole internet agreed. Bizarre night all around in the ESPN booth