Live Look At The Crazy Lady Who Has Decided The Stairs Outside Barstool World HQ's Are Now Her New Home

It’s 2pm. I haven’t eaten lunch. My stomach is growling like a motherfucker. And all the pussies in my office are too scared to leave and pick up lunch because this crazy lady is hanging out on our steps threatening everybody who walks by. Probably on bath salts or some shit. Bunch of fucking pussies I got working here. I know what all the critics are gonna say. “Oh Pres if you’re so tough why don’t you get your own lunch?” Bro here is why

I delivered way too many papers to deal with crazy homeless maniacs who have made our front steps their new home. Just one time somebody I’d like somebody to step up and be like “Hey Pres I’ll risk getting my face eaten off to get you your lunch”. Is that too much to fucking ask?