
More Juicy Details Emerge From The Louisville Basketball Escort Scandal

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So, Kmarko blogged about this yesterday, but we’re finding out more about the Louisville basketball situation. To put it bluntly it’s not looking good for the Cardinals. Athletic Director Tom Jurich and head coach Rick Pitino held a de facto press conference last night, where it was really via a speaker phone and streamed to the media and both talked as if this happened. Neither of them absolutely denied the claim.

But, that’s not even the best part. Apparently Indiana and Tom Crean are the rats, which makes sense since Crean looks like a rat combined with Dwight Schrute from the Office. Crean of course denied the claim, but Pitino and Jurich both brought up Indiana on more than one occasion during the press conference.

Don’t worry, it’s Rick Pitino, so the story gets even sicker. Apparently the Madam who wrote the book and dealt with former director of basketball operations Andre McGee, whored out her own daughters to the players. Everyone call their parents right now like the courtroom scene in Big Daddy and thank your parents for not whoring you out to the Louisville basketball team.
Now, there are obviously basketball implications here and a couple stick out right away. First is the fact that if this is true it includes sleeping with recruits to get them to commit to Louisville (honestly, it’s the only way you’d get me to commit to Louisville). This includes Antonio Blakeney, who was originally committed to Louisville before backing out and now going to LSU to form a dominant recruiting class with Ben Simmons. He’s being called by the NCAA to be questioned about his visits to the ‘Ville.

Then there’s the 2012-13 title that Louisville won led by Peyton Siva and Gorgui Dieng. Side note, no wonder Siva stayed in school for 14 years, am I right? There’s serious jeopardy that this title could be removed based on the findings of the NCAA. Katina Powell – the Madam whore – says she felt like she was part of the recruitment team and a lot of players went to Louisville because of her, including that 2012-13 team.

Look, this is straight out of He Got Game and a completely fucked up situation for college hoops. We’ve never experienced a case like this and it’s one worth watching. This is the story we know now and honestly a lot of it sounds like it happened. IF that’s the case Pitino might be done at Louisville considering this is his second sex scandal as a head coach. I’m assuming this one lasted longer than 15 seconds though.
