
I'm In Love With Paige VanZant And You Probably Are Too

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Yep, it’s official. The big L. Love. It’s not a word you’re supposed to throw around lightly, but I can’t hold it back anymore. I want to yell it off a mountain, but I don’t have a mountain, I have a smut blog. And the good news is, I don’t mind sharing her. We can all love her. I mean how can you not?

That ice skating 360 spin thing she did, ELECTRIC. And then her shirt is off? 10’s all around from the judges. She’s the hottest athlete in the world, bar none.

And guess what the best news of all is? I’m going to tell her I love her because I’m being told she’s going to also be at Run It UP Reno at the end of the month. What’s Run it UP Reno you ask? My pal Jason Somerville is hosting a week long poker extravaganza with tournaments, UFC workouts, and much more. For all of our west coast and/or poker stoolies, come on over to Reno, and of course tweet me if you are. I’m banking on losing thousands of dollars in the few days I’m going to be out there, confessing my love to Paige, getting my ass kicked by Paige, and then hopefully winning the $565 main event.

PS: People occasionally ask me how to get better at poker. Well, there’s this thing people like Jason do where they live stream themselves playing poker on Twitch. When Jason is deep in things, 30,000+ people watch him play on You get to watch a guy who has made millions upon millions of dollars playing poker talk about the decisions he’s making and why he’s making them.
