
RG3 Punting a Football, Chasing After It, And Then Punting It Again Repeatedly For 40 Minutes Is The Saddest Thing I've Ever Read

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via @BlueShortsLIFE

CBS - “Last Friday, after practice, he was on the field by himself for like 40 minutes, just punting the ball, and running after it, and punting the ball and running after it,” Jones informed The Junkies. “The guy looks like he’s lost, doesn’t know what’s going on, and so I did feel bad for him.” “So wait a minute; he was on the practice field, in the bubble, just punting the ball — like a kid would, just out in the back yard?” Bishop asked. “Out there on the practice field,” Jones said. “He stayed there. This was outside, after everybody’s in the locker room changing their clothes, getting ready to go, and he’s just out there for like 40 minutes punting the ball, he’d run after it, punt the ball.”


Literally, not figuratively, but literally the saddest thing I’ve ever read. Who does that? No joke, he’s autistic right? Or on the verge of a complete mental breakdown? Somewhere in between? He should be in therapy if he’s not already. Why is he punting and chasing after it like a home schooled kid? What is going on in his head? I’m legitimately concerned here. You know how we have to kinda chill on making fun of Amanda Bynes because it’s a bit unkosher to make fun of mental illness? I think we are boarding on that with Griffin. Guy makes no sense at all. He’s completely shattered in every way a man can. This is the biggest fall from grace of any QB ever. Rookie of the year and Pro Bowler to pretending to be an NFL punter in the matter of 2 years. I’m sad just writing this blog. I really wanted him to succeed. Too many surgeries, too many coaching and management mistakes, a psychopathic father, and a fragile ego to begin with has been his downfall.

PS: I do wonder, I just wonder, if Dan Snyder wasn’t a cheapskate and installed a new field when FedEx is called the worst field in the league year after year. Does RG3 not get hurt in the playoffs vs the Seahawks? We hold the lead and then what? No offseason surgeries, no “All in For Week 1″, no coaching turmoil, he takes more than ZERO offseason reps and gets better as a passer, etc etc etc. What a sad story. I hope I’m interviewed for the 30 for 30.