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Rich Homie Quan Under Fire For Smoking A Blunt With His Baby In His Lap



SourceRich Homie Quan is under fire after he posted on Snapchat a video of himself smoking while holding his son. According to TMZ, Child Protective Services is going to investigate the rapper who appeared to be smoking a marijuana blunt in the video.

The video showed RHQ puffing away while his son was on his lap. The 1-year-old boy showed rather mellow facial expression while looking at the camera and holding a baby bottle. After puffing away, the rapper looked at the camera and said some unclear words.

CPS also wants to know if what he did in the video was a one-off action or his “standard operating procedure.”



I’m a little lost here. Just because you don’t understand other people’s customs doesn’t mean they’re wrong. Canadians start their babies playing hockey when their skulls are still softer than a plum. Is it dangerous? Sure. Would an over protective soccer mom from Orange County understand it? No, but hockey is a way of life up there under America’s hat.

Remember when people were all pissed off at Tony Hawk for skateboarding around with his baby and he just told everyone to mind their own business because skateboarding is like second nature to them? Well, it just so happens that using blunts as binkies is second nature in the Quan family.

If you want your kid to be really good at hockey or skateboarding you put them on skates or a board right out of the womb. If you want your kids to grow up and rule the rap game you start them off on blunts and a sippy cup full of sizzurp. Don’t hate the player, hate the game.

P.S. Does this look like a guy who thinks he did anything wrong?




Haters gonna hate, players don’t bogart their 6 month old just because he doesn’t have five on it.’



(Editors Note – Hippie from Dank Mind is gonna be a part time contributor.   For all your weed news you can check out