Barstool’s Glorified Guide to the Capital One Cup
Sam’s Glorified Guide to the Midweek Capital One Cup Action
Hello haters,
I know the title says “guide” but really this is likely to be little more than a glorified reminder that there are some midweek games that are marginally worth paying attention to – not only in the EPL, where the third round of the Capital One Cup is being played today and tomorrow, but also in the Bundesliga, where the scriptwriters did once hell of a job picking out some delightful matchups.
And yes, I get it that a lot of you (the ones that don’t instinctively think “fuck that nancy sport” and “soCcers gey”) are probably a little confused by all the different cups and competitions being played in parallel. I spent about 20 minutes trying to explain it all to my dad last week and I’m not even sure we made any headway. So if you are at all bi-curious about what the hell is going on and why you should care, feel free to ask me:
I won’t tell your friends you have shown an interest in soccer, honest injun.
So, yeah, this is the competition that is a lot like the FA Cup – except it only involves clubs from the top couple divisions and is really only around for the league (and clubs) to GET DAT MONEY. Thus, if you choose not to care about it all that much I don’t blame you. I’m sort of the same way after all, unless/until Spurs win it anyway.
So here’s what is on deck this week:
I’ll do another preview tomorrow for the all-important North London Dærby, the importance of which transcends even the crappiest of competitions, but for anyone wanting some thoughts on who to go with today just catch me on Twitter.
Oh, and in case you hadn’t realized it, there are some ridiculously good games going on involving Bundesliga clubs this midweek as well. Be sure to check them out – or at least set the DVR.
So there you have it: the best guide to this week’s Capital One Cup action Barstool will ever publish today. Check ya Friday.
Sam U.L. Army