
Here Are Some More Photos Of The Chick Who Tried To Blackmail Jagr, Katka Provaznikova


In case you missed it yesterday, an 18-year-old Czech model snapped this photo after getting dangled by Jagr in the sheets. She tried to use it as blackmail to get him to pay up but Jagr, being the legend that he is and also with zero reasons to care if this got out or not, basically just told her that he doesn’t give a shit and to publish the photo. So now she looks like an idiot, her boyfriend who is the captain of the Czech junior national team probably can’t even show his face in the locker room anymore, and Jagr comes out looking even better than ever now that everyone knows that he’s still running the game in the pussy department. Anyway, we finally got a name on the chick so allow me to introduce you all to Miss Katka Provaznikova. Jagr, you old dog, you.



Awwww look at the happy couple!



P.S. – She has also become an internet meme and has inspired the #JagrSelfie movement on Instagram. So thanks for that.