Mets Put An End To Kiss Cam Joke After Fans Complain Its Homophobic
NYDN – Throughout the season, some on social media viewed the gag as homophobic, with @SeDynasty tweeting June 12, “Hey @Mets, putting two opposing players on the KissCam for cheap laughs is more homophobic than my team should be. Let’s be classy instead!” On April 14, Etan Bednarsh said: “.@Mets Putting two men together on the kiss cam isn’t a punch line. I want to keep coming to games. Please stop doing this.” Bednarsh, a diehard Mets fan,told HuffPost Live Thursday that he doesn’t remember the Mets featuring two players on the Kiss Cam until this season. “The only gag, the only joke is, ‘Wouldn’t it be funny if two male athletes were gay?’ and it’s not a joke, and it’s not funny,” Bednarsh said. “There are … definitely gay athletes out there who are still in the closet and aren’t coming out, not only for this, but reasons like this.”
How gay is this? So fucking gay. This guy complaining is so goddam gay. Wish they’d turn it into the Gay Fuck Cam and tell this guy “Here you fucking go.” Put him up there and be like “You talked the talked now walk the walk, gay boy.”
Listen I’m not gonna sit here and champion the freedom of the Kiss Cam. Its not funny enough for me to care about. The staged fights and bits are lame. You watch some awkward smooches. Its just whatever. So, ultimately, in the year 2015, if you really push this argument with this guy, there’s no other outcome than “this is a juvenile gay joke.” I mean really thats all it is. Usually its cutesy couples kissing, lets put two opposing players up and pretend they are cutesy and gay too. And we’ll laugh. Not because we’re homophobic but its because its something you’re not expecting and out of the ordinary and you want to root against those guys and make fun of them. If I we were at a Barstool at the Ballpark event and they put the Kiss Cam on me and Kmarko everyone would laugh at us. Not because they’d be homophobic assholes like “Look at those two faggots!” but because it would just be an uncomfortable and embarrassing moment and they’d chuckle.
I guess this guy’s point is that it shouldnt be considered uncomfortable and embarrassing and you shouldnt find that funny, and thats where I cant argue against him. I’d like to say we as a society have advanced beyond a simple gay joke making us laugh but fact of the matter is we havent. I’ll still laugh when someone draws a dick or farts and I’ll probably laugh about making two straight dudes feel uncomfortable about kissing. Just how it is. I think that makes me an idiot. Not homophobic. But long story short, this is the goddam KISS CAM we’re talking about here so if its bothering some people, the Mets will stop it and thats the end of it.
I cannot BELIEVE I just had to write a blog about being offended by the motherfucking kiss cam. If the world would just learn how to laugh and not be losers again it would be a lot less exhausting.