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Obama Just Spoke Out Against The PC Culture, Especially On College Campuses

Well that was music to my ears. Just telling everyone to stop being so fucking sensitive about everything. Especially on college campuses where the new trend is to be a whiney little PC brat because every private-school hipster with black rimmed glasses thinks they understand how the world really works. Newsflash: you know nothing. Chris Rock won’t even preform at colleges anymore because he doesn’t feel like putting up with their horseshit.

We see it every day. Everyone is so uptight, so ready to be offended by every little thing that happens. Just scrolling through the blacklog of things people have been offended about in the last year– Remember this Clorox tweet? Just looking at the tweet again, I couldn’t even remember what the outcry was about. I stared at it and couldn’t figure it out. Amy Schumer, a comedian, made a Mexican joke. Trevor Noah made a Jew joke. It goes on and on and on.

Point is, stop being so one-sided and sensitive about everything. That’s what your boy Barack is saying here. And that’s what I’ve never understood about super-political people. It’s literally…LITERALLY impossible to agree 100% with another human on every issue. Which is why it’s crazy to think about how many people follow and listen to a guy like Rush Limbaugh as if his word is the gospel. Just use your heads and not party lines one time for me and then make your decisions based on that.


h/t Mo