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Man Gives An Incredible Interview After An Apartment Fire While Holding His Rack Of Ribs He Heroically Saved

I didn’t think this was real. It’s too good. It’s top 10 video of the year good. My Nats writer found it and he obviously can’t be trusted, but I did some research and it’s real and it’s amazing. Robert Wright just BBQ’ing up some ribs at 3am cause he was hungry, but pretty much let his family and neighbors die to save his ribs. And he made sure those ribs were in the camera shot the entire time. Just fucking hysterical. He was not going to let a little life-threatening apartment fire ruin his ribs, no sirrrrrrr. One of the best news videos I’ve see in a long time. Love when the news people strike gold with these interviews. Guess I have to let Nats writer stick around a little longer now?

PS: There’s still a little bit of me that thinks it’s fake but why would the actual news make a fake video? If this is fake we just close down the news industry altogether.